Die, empty walls, die!
Straits times, Life section, 31march2006
Is graffiti a form of art or is it vandalism? This was one of the intriguing question being raised in the following article. However, a stand was being made by graffiti artist known as The killer Gerbil, saying that graffiti art is nothing like vandalism.
He then explained the difference between vandalism and art on public walls by giving an example of a report case, about American teenager Michael Fay, upon spraying paints on car as vandalism and not being art. Later, he adds on that even though graffiti art is all about spraying paints too, it still differs when one does it the right way, claiming that the colours, letters and energy effects created by these spray paints would allow it to become an art piece.
In my opinion, I agree with the fact that graffiti is an art work unless it is done under the right way and intention. I believe no single soul, even art appreciators, would ever claim graffiti as art when it is made done on the walls of their houses haphazardly, moreover done without permission. And this would eventually turn out as vandalism. However, if graffiti drawing were done up with true intentions and sincere efforts, it would be presented at authorized public places at the start, so as to encourage the crowd’s acceptance and appreciation of graffiti . This would then transform the mindsets of majority, that spraying paints on walls are simply not vandalism. Whatever it might be, art is a high quality of conception or execution, found in the works of beauty. Hence, how could one not differentiate vandalism from a true piece of art?