Thursday, May 10, 2007

Kid breaks teacher’s neck over seized ipod
CNN news/ 10 may 07

School violence has been on the rise these days. Just after the recent school shooting at Virginia tech, we now have vicious classroom attacks on teachers. The news commented that it was in Philadelphia that such incidences occurred.
As usual, experts continues to digress about how poor family brought ups may have lead to a kid’s tendency to react violently in such cases.
I was surprised that no one has spoken or considered why students have attacked teachers. The news always place the blame entirely on students by claiming that this kid is psychologically sick, that he or she actually attacked his or her teacher over minor incidences. And why would the media do this? Because they know that students are powerless. Perhaps, violence was some student's only form of retaliation towards some teacher’s unreasonable expectations.
Nevertheless, we have to admit that kids these days are getting out of hand. There are many reasons to why kids are so disrespectful towards their elders. First of all, schools in America do not emphasize on moral virtues as they encourage liberalization. Secondly, kids are getting excessively spoilt and egoistical by their over protective parents and school's soft approach towards education.
These are some points which the media should consider.


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