Google's satellite photo's threaten India's security
Straits times/ 05 April 06/ Main
It has been noticed lately through the article that Google website, named Google earth had allowed potential threats within nations, as raised in this article. This had lead to India's gornverners concern over this arising problem. Following on they demanded the closure of this website, for, this would eventually aid in terrorsim activities.
In my opinion, unless this website is put to good use, otherwise, I would encourage the closure of this web too. Creating google earth initially was to aid in solving people's curiousity with regards to the different countries on earth. However, if it could be potentially used as a weapon to backfire against mankind, I believe it is not worthwhile. Thus, unless google earth were to take on their responsibility to reduce in its factor of displaying high security territories in its map, action shold be taken upon them.
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