Monday, August 21, 2006

Man trapped waist-deep in chocolate
straits times/ 18 Aug

It might sound like a chocoholic's dream, but stepping into a vat of viscous chocolate became a two-hour nightmare for a 21-year-old man Friday morning. Co-workers, police and firefighters tried to free the man but couldn't get him loose until the chocolate was thinned out with cocoa butter.

This is one example where people should learn not to judge a book by its cover. Chocolates has been made a delicacy over centuries. The fact that chocolates could satisfy many people's taste buds made it hard for one to believe the depth of harm it is capable of bringing. This is an interesting article as stereo typical perceptions about chocolates are altered. Furthermore, this could be placed to practice in the real world. Sometimes, objects that are more pleasing to the eye is far more hazardous than what we perceive it to be.


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