Scientists Make Part-Human Sheep
CBN News
March 26, 2007
A bio-ethical debate is raging at a Nevada university, where scientists have created the world's first sheep with half-human organs. University of Nevada Professor Esmail Zanjani has spent seven years perfecting the technique, which involves injecting adult human cells into sheep fetuses. This caused the animals to be born 15-percent human. Scientists say this development will make it easier to use animal organs when people need transplants. But the development is likely to revive criticisms about scientists playing God.
The issue of legalizing cloning has always been very controversial. Cloning is not just a modern advancement in the medical arena but, also, a potential threat to the human society. I agree that cloning is a remedy to many terminal diseases. However, in my opinion, we seem to be defying the order of nature. I suggest that people should die naturally when their time is up. Prolonging our life is important. However, along with the rapid advancements in cloning, there is a possibility that humans may live forever. When this happens, our society will be stagnated because there is no longer any growth in the family tree and redevelopment will cease to exist because people will become too complacent with their endless opportunities in life.
Furthermore, by legalizing organ cloning, we are dangerously taking our first step towards legalizing human cloning. There are many implications with regard to human cloning. Firstly, human clones could be used in warfare in the future. Secondly, all man would be branded by their status of birth. That is, if you are a clone, your status are equivalent to that of a pariah. This would lead to disintegration in our society when discrimination is openly accepted. Sooner or later, one would be judged by their race as well.
The above are the repercussions of cloning. Though I agree that cloning are beneficial to us in some ways. However, I think it is more important to attain a microscopic view towards the effects of cloning before any law is implemented.