Ez Link, Visa dual-use card soon
Straits times/ 21April2006
The Ez link cards which are commonly used in bus travels or to pay the bill at the closest fast food outlet will soon become a multi purpose card to most Singaporeans. By the end of this year, it will become Singapore's first mass market combi card, a term for a cardwith both ''contactless''aplications like an ez link card and ''contact'' applications like a credit card. As such, top ups will be done automatically whenever the ezlink purse reaches zero through the bank from our visa accounts.

It is only because of technology, that is possible for man to welcome convinience and possibities of further and better inventions. In fact, most of us is making use of technology every second, whether it is the use of computers, air-cons or the telephones, ecentra. Technology have indeed aid in many factors of development, example, the vast communications made by international businesses.However, man are being brought to a disadvantaged when we become to dependent on technology. In other words, we are close to being handicapped when the use of technology is eliminated. As such, I believe man should treat technology as an alternative and not a need.
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