Monday, August 21, 2006

Iran tests short range missile

Iran has routinely held war games over the past two decades to improve its combat readiness and to test equipment such as missiles, tanks and armored personnel carriers. But the new tests, in the wake of the Lebanon-Hezbollah fighting, seemed certain to create new tensions with the West. Iran said it launched the new military exercises Saturday to introduce a new defensive doctrine . However, how true is this? It is always known for Iran's and the middle East's hostility towards the united states. As a result, Iran may be preparing themselves for more attempts of terrorists attacks.

Man trapped waist-deep in chocolate
straits times/ 18 Aug

It might sound like a chocoholic's dream, but stepping into a vat of viscous chocolate became a two-hour nightmare for a 21-year-old man Friday morning. Co-workers, police and firefighters tried to free the man but couldn't get him loose until the chocolate was thinned out with cocoa butter.

This is one example where people should learn not to judge a book by its cover. Chocolates has been made a delicacy over centuries. The fact that chocolates could satisfy many people's taste buds made it hard for one to believe the depth of harm it is capable of bringing. This is an interesting article as stereo typical perceptions about chocolates are altered. Furthermore, this could be placed to practice in the real world. Sometimes, objects that are more pleasing to the eye is far more hazardous than what we perceive it to be.

Southeast Asia a Haven for Pedophiles Aug

Thailand has a reputation for engaging in one of the largest child sex trade operations in Southeast Asia. UNICEF estimates the number of Thai children involved in prostitution to be between 60,000 and 200,000, though the organization says the exact number is difficult to track. I do empathise with these kids as they were not given any opportunities from the start, to lead a better and fulfilling live. Furthermore, the torment they have to undergo each ecncounter is unbearable. Worst of all, they may never have a chance to break away from that cycle of life.

I am in the view that such operations are taking place due to lax laws within the countries. Moreover, in countries like the phillipines where corporal punishment is abolished, chances for offenders to prey on the innocent would go on the rise. Therefore, I do not support the abolishment of corporal punishment. Corporal punishmen is the only way to instill fear in a person and it is only when one is fearful, they would adhere to the laws and regulations. As such, this is one way where violence is inevitable.

China to U.S.: "Shut Up" About Military Spending 18, 2006

According to an article from the associated press, the Chinese government, whose relationship with the United States has never been particularly amiable, has bolstered military spending with double-digit percentage increases. America, playing "Big Brother" once again would never fail to interrupt into their problem. Due to China's governers intolerance towards the US, they adviced the US to shut up. I was utterly suprised by their insults as they were not being held back in any ways in raising their unhappiness towards the world's powerful leader. Better for whom? one might ask. Though it's possible to interpret this as a veiled threat ("Shut up, it's for your own good"), I don't think the ambassador would be that tactless (but if he was so undiplomatic in the first place, it's hard to say). It's always possible that the issue can be one of language. In this era of increased globalization, it's important for nations to learn to cooperate with one another lest they be left behind in the "new world order".

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Taj Mahal security alert after threat
Straits times/ Saturday Aug 19

I see no sense as to why terrorists have to go around harming others. All along the terrorists has always made use of religion as their excuse for harming others. However, they have to admit that their attacks are purely made done through hatred and the need for revenge for the ones who they have lost in former attacks. Precisely because people have only got love for their own race, they eventually leave space to discriminate. Eventually it all boils down to more hatred.

People really have to start asking what is really going on with our society rather than spending most of their time in money making. In addition, people should start respecting each other and not deny the problems by sweeping them underneath the rug. Until then, they would understand the virtue of forgiving and sharing.

Boeing to drop in flight internet excess
Strait times/ Saturday Aug 19

Indeed, the internet has served us in many ways. Their presence made communications, researches, and developments possible and efficient. Internet has been such an important source to us that without it, the world would stop functioning. This was evident from the Y2k threat earlier on. However, it has also proven the fact that man are relying too much on the use of the internet that we have become slaves to them. In this article, due to the high amount of internet uses on the flights, maintenance costs are simply too high to bear, resulting in the ban of usage. In my opinion, many travelers especially businessmen would detest this move because it does not benefit them in any ways.

The tale of two princesses
Straits times/ Aug20
Everyone would dream of becoming a royalty as it is packaged with fame, wealth and power. However, living the life of one is not as simple as it is. In Japan, the monarchy system still remains, like those in the United Kingdom and in Russia. However, due to the Asian culture in Japan, the imperial family is far more traditionally bound compared to those in the European countries. As such it is not surprising when two princesses (Kiko and Masako) underwent tremendous stress in adapting to the life in the imperial household. In addition, they are only valued by their families when they are able to conceive a male as heir to their monarchy.

In my opinion, gender discrimination is obviously portrayed here. Women here are made to be seen as servants to their husbands and having to constraint themselves to many activities. An example is when girls are not allowed to take over the throne. Despite how intelligent these women are, like Masako whom was a Harvard diplomat, it did not change how the public perceived her to be. The fact in Asian culture that women would remain inferior to man is such an unjustifiable act.

Animal abusers beware, hunt is on
Straits times/ Aug 20

I am aghast by the acts of animal abusers. Some animal abusers do not only kill the animals but torture them to death in the most sadistic manner. Animal abusers do not only consists of people who dislike animals but also includes the ones that used to “love them” as pets. From the start, the owners should have placed in full responsibility before making up their mind in getting one. Furthermore, people should rear their pets with commitment rather than chucking them away when their pets get old.

Natural resources are fuelling a new cold war 18

In year 2020 the "water crisis" would spread across half the world, leaving many countries without drinking water and proper sanitation. This may possibly result in global cataclysm. Consequently, leaders around the world would be fighting for their survival rather than economic interests. In the near future, water would replace oil in the market of highly demanded goods, as such; water would fetch very high prices. This may not be beneficial to Singapore as we do not have natural water resources, furthermore we cannot rely on the reverse osmosis technology for a consistent provision of water. If we were to really lose all these natural resources to pollution, man should only blame themselves and no one.

Boy,12, evades security clampdowns
Internet 16

According to this article, a boy, twelve years of age managed to pass through full security screenings to the air plane without even a ticket, a boarding pass or passport. Concerns over this matter were raised as England’s airport has grown vulnerable to terrorists attacks. This incident just tells us that the world’s security level is not up to standard. In order to carry out their attacks, the terrorist would just have to look for someone who is vulnerable, and get them to take things on the planes, like explosive, and very quickly, lives would be sacrificed. This is basically one simple example of discrimination, where the security officers placed their guards down just because the boy was young and seemed harmless, which may not always be the case.