Sunday, April 23, 2006

Made In Singapore
straits times/ 20April2006/ Life

From a simple heart land tale to a brain bending puzzle, the four home made films debuting at the 19th Singapore International Film Festival runs the bamut. Four movies may not seem like many, but it is the first time so many home grown features are premiering at the fest.

No budget, quaint, arthouse and extravagant are words that describe these four home grown movies which are Singapore dreaming, mature offering 4:30, The art of filming and Fare love story. With the increasing talents of movie directing in Singapore, example, Jack Neo, there is a new possibility that Singapore film's could reach out to the world. Li Ang, being the first Asian movie director who won the Golden Globe awards has also proven the possibilities for Singapore's film to become as far reaching compared to Hollywood's film over time. If Singapore's film were to become well known, it would benefit the country ecnomically and secondly, movie, theatre studies would be a majoring play in Singapore.Unless Singaporeans dare to dream for the impossible, such dreams would have the tendency to become a reality. From here, Singapore would be made known to the world and people would no longer just term us as the''little red dot'' or the ''little china''.

Make chinese culture part of our life
Straits times/ 21April 2006

The first question that pop to my mind was ( Do we Singaporeans possess any cultural identity?). Despite the fact that many Singaporeans are very successful in their career and education, but, none of them have seriously emphasized about their roots. And what makes us a winner? if our individual knowledge of our identities are vague and inexplicit.

Mr Baey, one of the 24 newest PAP candidate says that the Singapore government views chinese language and culture through either strictly ''economic'' or ''cultural'' lenses, which is very extreme. He adds on by giving an example of our chinese politics gearing towards the economical factor almost similar to China because of the need in boosting tourism in Singapore, which is not all- rounded.

I agree that Singaporeans has to go beyond the obvious. Instead, to look at the larger, ''holistic'' frame work. It is simply a joke that Singaporeans being chinese could not even master their mother tongue well. In fact, the education system have trained many students in just memorising their work without really understanding its meaning and contents. As such, many Singaporean students are failing in the sector of problem solving areas. Afterall, their aim is to make it into a prestigous school and not taking an interest in real knowledge. I believe this is one of the reasons as to why we fail in grabbing hold of our mother tongue. Therefore, I agree with Mr Baey in schools being more holistic, less academic.

Ez Link, Visa dual-use card soon
Straits times/ 21April2006

The Ez link cards which are commonly used in bus travels or to pay the bill at the closest fast food outlet will soon become a multi purpose card to most Singaporeans. By the end of this year, it will become Singapore's first mass market combi card, a term for a cardwith both ''contactless''aplications like an ez link card and ''contact'' applications like a credit card. As such, top ups will be done automatically whenever the ezlink purse reaches zero through the bank from our visa accounts.

It is only because of technology, that is possible for man to welcome convinience and possibities of further and better inventions. In fact, most of us is making use of technology every second, whether it is the use of computers, air-cons or the telephones, ecentra. Technology have indeed aid in many factors of development, example, the vast communications made by international businesses.However, man are being brought to a disadvantaged when we become to dependent on technology. In other words, we are close to being handicapped when the use of technology is eliminated. As such, I believe man should treat technology as an alternative and not a need.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Killed for trying to make Iraqi kids laugh
sunday times/23 April 06

Is it even wrong to try relief unhappiness among these Iraqi young kids? Should these kids not have the rights to experience a happy childhhood as similar to majority of the kids in the more developed countries?

Like every other circus, where the circus performers would clown around to make kids happy, for that, they were executed by self appointed moral guardians of Baghdad. Initially, they were planning an eleven day festival to help youngsters forget momentarily the death and violence they witness in the city. However, this event were being sabotaged by armed militaries.

From my point of view, I see two group of victims in this picture. One, the circus performers and secondly, the deprived young kids. First of all, the circus performers were innocently killed, over wanting to help the young kids forget about the bloody moments and as such to distess their thoughts of revenge, which may create lesser problems in our community in the future.However, they were being killed over their good intentions. Secondly, I do not see the reason why the Iraqi leaders would want to allow their younger generations to live in a world full of hatred and fear. The younger generations would eventually become leaders of their country in the future, but, if they were to be constantly exposed to such threats, history would just repeat itself. Leaders in the future would be similar to the present of wanting to eradicate their enemy rather than to seek a better future for their citizens. Apparently, this vicious cycle would carry on if they do not try to view the world in a bird's eye view. Therefore, I believe more justice have to be carried out in order to impose the right laws.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Matter of Class
Straits times/ 09 APril 06/ life

Is it just me, or do you feel that Singaporeans are becoming more '' class'' conscious?

Speaking about meritocracy in Singapore and not being affected by class systems, where advancements is based simply on one's abilities, I believe lies a contradiction. As stated in the article, technically, a son of a fisherman would have the same chances as the son of a doctor in becoming prime minister, so long if he comprises the talent and intelligence. Conversely, being the son of a doctor would not guarentee him success. Apparently, does meritocracy truely exist. If one were to make comparison to the freedom of the fisherman's son and the doctor's son in making an entry to the similar field of educaton and job. Yes, I would certainly agree with it. However, if one were to speak about the fair competition in achievements, I would defy to this statement. For, it is always true that the doctor's son would be born with more privileges at hand. Example, the extra tution classes, the extra time earned by not having to help support his family and a more comfortable life, ecentra. Absolutely, the son of the fisherman would have to place in more efforts before reaching for the similar achievements. So, is meritocracy being dealt with at depth?

Eventhough Singapore may be a democratic country,still, people themselves have brought in their own class systems. Whether it is in the comparison of the brand of schools, education, jobs, houses, ecentra. Most Singaporeans today, would still make a judgement of a high achiever based on these factors, thus, classing them. Therefore, everyone receives different judgemental comments and treatment. In my opinion, competition is important. However, one should never judge a book by its cover, it does not mean that a high achiver would be a wise person, or a thief would forever be one rotten person. Instead, we should accept people based on the innered characters and their attitudes. Afterall, everyone are of the same species(human), whereby we share the same features and senses.

Women on top
straits times/09 April 06/ Life

Educated, successful, high earning and confident are factors which makes up Singapore's most powerful women. Today, people would term them as the "Alpha" women.

This following article entittled (women on top) speaks about the changing positions of women in the modern society. Women today, no longer play their simple part as homemakers, to cook, to look after their child or to fix dinner for their families. Women are no longer less educated than their other half, in fact, they have turned independent and ambitious from the time they knew what they want for themselves. Through time, they have achieved their roles in the political region, and the economy. Women, had finally proved their outstanding abilities as well compared to man, they no longer posess serving roles but instead, leading roles.

Having reviewed this article, I felt a sense of satisfaction and justification for all women, because women have alas reap what they sow. All along, women have always been stereo typed as the inferior gender, leaving no opportunities for them to glow despite them having hidden abilities. Successful women today, especially in the Asia region have indeed proved many chauvanistic men wrong.

An example of an ''Alpha'' woman, would be Singaporean, Beatrice Chia. Bold, vocal, and unabashedly sensual, these are adjectives that springs to people mind when actress Beatrice Chia's name is uttered. She is one of the most successful women in today's context as stated and an idol to many women today. However, women must never grow too complacent over their achievements. For, having an achievement made today would not guarantee another in the near future if hardwork and persistence dies down.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Govt acts to pre-empt dengue epidemic
straits times/ o7 April 06/Main

Apparently,the dengue season is approaching again."The National Environment Agency yesterday unveiled an arsenal of preventive measures to minimise potential mosquito breeding areas and control the spread of the disease".

I'm honestly really pleased with our government.How many people out there take it for granted,only knowing how to complain about tiny little flaws in their perfect plan? Its commonly known among people all over the world that Singapore is a garden city,and so clean that you could even eat off the pavements. The hygiene levels in our country are in fact worldclass and internationally recognised.

But, the government can do all it can to contain the disease but nothing is more crucial than the need for Singaporeans to cooperate with it. I have heard of news about people who never bother to keep their flower pots and pans overturned ,allowing stagnant water to accumulate in it.Environment officers have talked to them and even went to the extent of fining them but the same thing happens. Despite all measures made, the biggest reason why we still have these mosquito epidemics staying,in my opinion, is duely caused by such uncooperative Singaporeans.

In conclusion, these epidemics are inevitable. However, its nice to know that we have a government that does their best in giving us a safe,clean environment to live in.

Uproar over Li's "stupid"remark
Straits times/ o7 april 06/ Life

I read in an article today that a taiwanese politician,Li Ao, thinks Singaporeans are "stupid".According to him,taiwanese are "scoundrels but still lovable", hongkongers are "craftier",but Singaporeans are "stupid".Why does he say this? He feels that our ancestors were poorly educated people who came here from taiwan to make a living.With the strict laws that our government use to govern us, we are only able to reach a certain standard,or line,without crossing it.We cannot break out of the box that our government uses to protect us and restrict us.Therefore, Singapore "hasn't produced much outstanding people".

When I read this,my first emotions were shock and indignance. On what basis does he say Singaporeans are "stupid"? I would define stupid as slow to learn or understand,obtuse. Does poor education mean that a person's brain would be of a lower quality?Education makes us wiser and more knowledgable,but that doesn't mean the person would be any more quick-witted ,creative,or any of the many meanings that intelligence comprises of. Besides, even if our ancestors were really "stupid", its illogical to imagine that generation after generation would continue to inherit only lousy genes and stay as "stupid". A person's intelligence depends very strongly on the environment the person was brought up in and his daily routines,ecetera,as proven scientifically.
Thus, i feel very strongly that "stupid" is not the word to describe us.Call us "uncreative", "boring" ,but not,in any case, "stupid".

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Google's satellite photo's threaten India's security
Straits times/ 05 April 06/ Main

It has been noticed lately through the article that Google website, named Google earth had allowed potential threats within nations, as raised in this article. This had lead to India's gornverners concern over this arising problem. Following on they demanded the closure of this website, for, this would eventually aid in terrorsim activities.

In my opinion, unless this website is put to good use, otherwise, I would encourage the closure of this web too. Creating google earth initially was to aid in solving people's curiousity with regards to the different countries on earth. However, if it could be potentially used as a weapon to backfire against mankind, I believe it is not worthwhile. Thus, unless google earth were to take on their responsibility to reduce in its factor of displaying high security territories in its map, action shold be taken upon them.