Cat killings still a problem
Today/ 08 may 2006
It seems that brief jail sentence for serial cat killer, David Hoi hasn't deterred anyone from abusing animals. In recent months, residents of old airport road area often heard piteous cries of cats. These cats were being tortured to death with screw drivers and strangled with metal wires. Worst of all, their bodies are usually laid out neatly on the top decks after they died.
In my opinion, animals do have their deserving rights. Therefore, it should leave no opportunity for human beings to remove them. Today, animal testing rights are still being debated and no outcome has yet surfaced. Everyone has to admit that humans, being the superior species do descriminate against the weaker species, which are the animals. An example is when reports of killings of animals are being turned away by the neighbourhood police unless an act was completely witness by them. If the police should treat the deaths of cat as equal to that of humans, they would have take on the case in order to search for the serial killer through all forms of sources.
Sometimes small mistakes do accumulate to larger ones. When it comes to animal cruelty cases, there is always a fear that the killers will be bored with toruturing animals and move on to bigger things. Example, murdering humans instead. This would eventually bring about social disintegration.
Animal cruelty is fast becoming a serious issue. Thus, I agree with the article that it should no longer be swept under the rug. We are the voice for animals, and if we do not stand up for them, they will only suffer in silence.
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