Hidden scars: Their silent cry for help
The straits times/youthlink/8 may 2006
Youths today find it difficult to cope with life's rising demand as raised in this article. As such, there is an increasing number of youths suffering from depression lately. Feeling the desperation for relief,many begin self mutilating. However, after each time they self mutilate, they would regret it. Despite this fact, they still could not stop hurting themselves.
According to the article, Dr Sim a consultant psychiatrist stated that it was no wonder that more youth's are feeling depressed. Afterall, this is the phase in their lives when they have to adjust to various changes-be it societal roles, managing of expectations, responsibilities and demands.
Changes and adaptability is inevitable in life. Whether or not we are doing it today or tomorrow, it is something we have to face it eventually. As commented, in order to improve, one must never be afraid of changes. I believe family support plays a very important role in deciding the success of a teenager's adaptability to their changing lives. I have to admit that family support do provide us with a form of drive which miraculously bounces away our stresses and difficulties.
Depression is a psychiatric disorder and not a sort of physical sickness. Therefore, we do have a choice not to vulnerable ourselves to it. But, even if one becomes a depression victim, this must never co exist as an excuse for them in not achieving their desired success. As always, this is our life and not others.
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