Monday, June 19, 2006

Let's talk about "HAPPY SLAPPING"
The straits times/youthlink/June 19 2006

What is Happy Slapping? According to the British tabloid, it is when you walk up to a stranger, assult the person, at the same time, recording the entire process and finally, place the video on the internet. This phenomenon has caught the media's attention only lately due to the increased amount of the displays of violence on the internet.

Nevertheless, it did prove that violence and bullies know no gender as it can occur in a girl's or boy's life. What is especially shocking is how the violence seems to have escalated. Name calling and teasing have been around for a while, but filming the inhumane beating of a fellow student is simply too repulsive. Statistics had shown that more than ninety percent of primary school and secondary schools students have been preyed upon by bullies, thereby, showing the seriousness of violence today.

violence is only being instilled in a person after constant exposure to it. Therefore, should we blame the media for it's constant exposure of violence to their young television viewers? Bullying and violence among youths should be eliminated. However, it takes two hands to clap. Unless the bystanders are willing to raise their courage to speak up, allowing the culprit to feel accountable for their actions or otherwise, I feel that violence, like an epidemic, would never stop spreading.


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